If you ever want curly hair, leave it in 2 French plaits for a night and hey presto, you got some curly hair. If you want them thicker try to wear French plaits for a night and a day. Then they are more hard curls. But if you want an Afro... you don't want to have one. Trust me on that. Well, last night I thought I'd wear 6 ordinary plaits. 2 at the front on either side, 2 in the middle and 2 at the back. I may have looked like I was wearing dread locks but it worked. Too well. This morning when I took them out, I had a surprise. I was expecting natural waves, maybe even a little curly. But nope, I was greeted by an Afro. Literally.
That was my exact facial expression. Maybe without the wrinkles and age though. I am 12 not in my 50's or what-ever.
Well, anyway, I tried to brush most of the frizz and it did go down. When it was finally pulled into a ponytail, I had to put 3 hair bands onto it! It was that frizzy. It looked like I had crimped it crazy. *Sigh*. When my dad saw it he looked shocked and said "You got crazy hair." Thanks dad.
At 8:01 am (yes I read the clock) I jumped into the car my hair following behind me. After a minute or so my dad joined my sister and me. Then he whacked his heel of his hand into his forehead and shook his head slightly. "Be back in a second, forgot my shoes." He then jogged out of the car and unlocked the front door.
After the journey to school, I got out of the car at 8:11. Bearing in mind school starts at 8:45 this was going to be fun. Most of you will now be thinking 'hmm... why don't she just walk to school?'
Well, I'm sorry to say this but to get there from our house, you have to pass loads of motor-ways and roundabouts, so I won't be walking any-time soon, thank you very much. Luckily, one of my friends and Daisy,she seemed to have forgotten about netball, and was my friend once again (you can see why we have a love-hate relationship). Had just arrived because they had to get to school early, due to Daisy's mum having to get to work super-early and them having a car-share. I walked through the gates with them and Daisy's younger sister. We split up so Daisy and her sister went off one way, me and my friend the other. For the time being I will call my friend urmm... May. So May is american and I was one of her first friends in England. She came from Texas and she is really nice and funny.
For the rest of the morning we did the usual and I walked to assembly. Even though this may offend a couple people, I think assemblies are way too long. Afterwards, my legs are asleep and I have to click them into place afterwards. It hurts. A lot. I'm just good at hiding my feelings so nobody knows it kills.Everybody else thinks they are too long, even the teachers! So I think they should be made shorter. Somebody should make a petition. That somebody certainly won't be me.
Today I had hockey but thank goodness it wasn't that bad. I just got told off for doing what we were meant to do (staying roughly in the area our positions are meant to be). I actually looked like a blonde Afro in pursuit sometimes. No joke.
The rest of the day was as uneventful as it gets at Linslade. 2 girls bunked class in excuse of one of them crying. Our maths team having the least points but had done the most work *groan*. And yeah.
When I took my hair out, it looked deadly crimped but at least it had gone down a bit and it put the sides up.
My sister left for army cadet camp today, it will last the whole weekend. If I get deep down and personal, I will miss her a little I got to admit. *dramatically wipes eyes*
I guess that now leads up to right now, me and my mum sitting on the sofa watching telly, whilst I read my book write my blog and go on my phone. Doing all this whilst keeping a conversation. Talk about multi-tasking!
Well sorry this account was a little boring, I will update ASAP. Please follow my blog x BYE x
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