Today wasn't really all that, an average day. Normal maybe. Neutral.
Really!?You think a day at my school will ever be normal! Goodness, people have GOT TO learn! everybody at my age has mood swings now and again and it gets quite annoying. My friends must HATE me because of mine!
Anyway, we all know that one person who likes to take charge and boss everyone around. This girl for me is basically my frienemy*. This morning in French I helped her get 30/31 on our French test and gave her water to her when she lost it. I thought that she was in a good mood and it was all happy days. Then the plane crashed.
I'm gonna call this girl urrmm... Daisy. So Daisy stopped all the happiness in the one lesson I hate of all... PE of course. And today it was netball. YAY, not. I hate netball so much because I'm rubbish at it. Can't jump to catch because I'm too tall (penalty- couple press ups). Then I cant score for toffee (another couple) and finally I cant catch to save a life. Then when i cant do my press-ups because I just don't have the strength to do so, my punishment is even more press-ups. You'd think that the worst of it, I'm not even started. I guess I'm in my set because of my strength or brain. I can usually know places to go and I will never be caught. Not speed, intelligence. Even though I said i had no muscles, I'm pretty good at boxing. Don't get on the wrong side of me.
Anyway, back to the story. So, my teacher decided to split us up into groups, I was with Daisy of course. She's also a bit of a drama queen and is kinda self obsessed. The first activity I struggled with because I had to jump and catch a ball. Of-course this was a problem, whoever chucked it to me did it too low so I literally couldn't jump and catch it and they all got stressed. Daisy her self is really tall and I'm not just saying that. Everybody did it the right height for her though. Meanies.
"Jump and catch it Rhiannon, its not hard. Watch me do it." She demonstrated it and looked to me to do it again. I almost died. I tried, with another girl trying to help me do it right, but the ball slipped through my arms. The girl that helped me before showed me a way to put my arms and I was very grateful.
When i missed it Daisy laughed at me and it was my turn to throw the ball at her. So I chucked it as hard as I could. Tears swelled in my eyes from all the remarks they made but they weren't sad ones, they were anger.
It shot straight into her chest and she stumbled a bit and looked at me awkwardly. Then a smirk appeared on her face whilst I stormed to the back of the line. "You're meant to chuck it over my head." she called but I didn't listen. For the rest of the lesson I struggled a lot and then the leaders of each activity had to privately tell the teacher who was struggling the most in the activity. I heard one person say my name and I guessed the others did too. I had to prove them wrong. When we demonstrated the last activity for each group I ran the fastest caught the balls and did the right throws. Mrs raised her eyebrows at me and the corners of her mouth turned upwards. Still, I was scared the consequence of struggling with the others. I hoped she'd not embarrass me.
Also, my science teacher decided to model digesting food. Literately. Lets just say it involved banana flesh-skin tights and food colouring. Excuse me whilst I vomit. It was disgusting. And of course was the lesson before lunch. Lovely.
Well that's all for today, please follow my blog and I'll update ASAP. BYE x
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