I hadn't realized how long I hadn't blogged for. 6 days. 6 DAYS. I guess it's all of the stinking homework we get!
All of the teachers have decided, 'Hey let's not give the Year 8's and social life this year!'
Every night I basically have to do loads. Whilst I do this, most people play XBOX or what-ever. I love XBOX, especially XBOX 1 C.O.D GHOSTS, but I don't play it every single day. Loads of people stay up till midnight doing it but I'll get very grumpy because I need my beauty sleep.
Anyway, I think I may have an over-active imagination. Well, when I saw scissors being given out in English, I imagined them all doing a linked Irish dance. Or maybe I'm a little crazy. Probably both.
In English I am rubbish at nearly everything. I can't spell to save a life, I struggle with reading and I have the vocabulary of a 7 year old. But I am good at creative writing. What Rhiannon you're actually good at something! Is probably what you're thinking right now, but my imagination and craziness help me with that.
A couple of lessons ago we started to do descriptive writing. Our topic this term is Gothic horror.
Basically, we were meant to describe an old chapel picture, so I turned it into a story. I made a guy and some vultures appear and it was quite cool actually. (Somebody else had done vultures too.) It was all great and when I gave it in I was quite happy.
Turns out she didn't really like it but she said I needed to improve in most areas instead it annoyed me a little but I sucked in all the hate and pretended it was nothing. It really wasn't nothing.
You local bloggers, readers or what-ever see that most of my opinions aren't actually that positive, but not all of my opinions are as negative.
The next time we did descriptive writing (today) she said we couldn't, under no circumstances turn it into a story.
This annoyed me quite a lot but I knew my teacher hated me to death.She always had. And always will. When she first saw me, she probably thought I was trouble with a capital T, but I do actually pay attention in lessons. I want good grades so I can get a good job when I'm older.
I don't understand why she hates me so much. Is it too self-centred to think? I just don't know.
What I do know is that I will never judge a book by it's cover because most of my friends may not seem crazy, but trust me. They are! In a good way!
Sorry it was way too short today, but otherwise you'd be reading about boring homework. I'll try to update ASAP x please follow my blog x BYE x
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