so the new school term just started, which means our summer of freedom from the torture place has ended. That is a bit of a downer, especially for me. I'm now the top of the school (year 8) and I now have responsibility. Bad idea. I have no responsibility. What so ever. Now, I have to be a leader (probably a guide, which show people around) and be a role model to the new pristine year 5s. Hope-fully they don't get as crazy as me.
My Teachers are actually good this year believe it or not! And finally I get to be in some classes as my friends!
My new form teacher is one of the funniest sports teachers out there and our form is in the library. Don't think I'll ever forget a reading book any time soon!
There s a problem at my school age. I just turned 12 in august 9 days ago.
happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me-e. Happy birthday to me.
All of my fellow students are turning 13. And I'm just here like "HEY OLDIES, YOU GONNA DIE SOON!" then I flick my hair dramatically. The usual.
The oldest person in my year is turning 13 TOMORROW! Nobody asked me how I felt about her turning 13 but noooo... nobody cares how the little 12 year old feels.
Also ALLLLL the girls in my year have basically dyed or dip-dyed their hair. It's even against the rules for God's sake! And you cant even see their skirts because they are so far up their legs! But thats mainly only the populars. They are basically the posse from mean girls but less cheesey and there skirts are higher.
Perfect description! My friends wear their skirts decent hight though and don't worry about if 2 inches is too long for one or if their ten layers of mascara are noticeable. I'm serious.
Well that's it for another week in the life of a geeky girl who fights battles against the lipstick covered divas and over-sensitive teachers. Ill update ASAP and please follow my blog. Bye!
I love your posts
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